Philippine – Pamaskong Handog 2021: Sharing the Faith and Spreading the Gift of Joy

For the second year in a row, Jesuit Communications (JesCom) and Radyo Katipunan (RK) 87.9 FM’s “Pamaskong Handog” brought Christmas cheer to nine selected communities, in the form of gift packages that enabled over 600 families to celebrate their Noche Buena.

Beginning on the first day of Simbang Gabi at the Church of the Gesù, leading up to Christmas Eve, several JesCom-Radyo Katipunan staff joined Ateneo de Manila Jesuit fathers in making daily visits to the elderly, PWD’s, PUV drivers, and urban poor groups across Manila, Quezon City and Rizal province.

A total of 900 individuals from the Missionary Brothers of Charity (MC) House, Servants of Charity (Guanella Center), SFC’s Project Payback, UP Jeepney Drivers, Epheta Village, Intramuros Pedicab Drivers/Kutseros, Pagrai Cogeo Community, St. Joseph Chapel Community, and Cottolengo Foundation, received timely donations of food and household items, gathered through the outpouring of support for JesCom’s media evangelization ministry and Radyo Katipunan’s acclaimed ‘Keep the Faith’ daily mass program.

Jesuit Music Ministry’s (JMM) virtual concerts also contributed to the success of Pamaskong Handog 2021, with October’s “Ave Maria: A Choral Festival for Our Lady” raising a grand total of 817 gift packages for hundreds of grateful families. Meanwhile, donations collected from the Jesuit Residence’s December musicale, “My Favorite Christmas Carol”, aided relief efforts for the victims of Typhoon Odette.

Indeed, sharing the faith and spreading joy amidst the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic and a myriad of other crises, reflects the two partners’ core mission as media organizations truly ‘with and for others’.

“I think we are compelled by our values to continue serving others, in whatever way we can, through whatever means we can achieve it,” explained Radyo Katipunan Station Coordinator Justin Pontino of their commitment to greater service, in a previous interview.


“We as a media organization have the voice to become a conduit of hope, and an avenue to spread the generosity of others through our works.”

The social outreach project has since spurred JesCom and Radyo Katipunan’s generous donations to several community pantries and parishes, backed by inspired volunteer efforts from Ateneo de Manila alumni and employees alike.

For Fr. Nono Alfonso SJ, these charitable activities are all welcome opportunities for both JesCom and Radyo Katipunan to proudly “reflect the deep Ignatian spirituality of the Ateneo, its mission, its thrust.”

As the head of the Society of Jesus’ Philippine Province’s media arm, and one of the Ateneo’s premier communications platforms, Fr. Nono underscored the importance of putting into practice the partner institutions’ tenets of solidarity and public service.

“We can help for as long as our audience, our community supports us. But we cannot overemphasize how difficult life is for many Filipinos, and that we need to help them when we can,” he affirmed in a previous conversation.

“Finally, it is the role of Catholic media, to be the voice and beacon of truth, hope, and love. That is our sacrosanct duty.”

Though Christmas may still be many months away, indeed, JesCom and Radyo Katipunan remain ever-ready to answer the call to greater Magis,and deliver the timeless gift of giving.

Source: Jesuit Communications - JesCom

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Posted by SJES ROME - Communications Coordinator in GENERAL CURIA
The Communication Coordinator helps the SJE Secretariat to publish the news and views of the social justice and ecology mission of the Society of Jesus.

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