Asia Pacific – United in prayer against human trafficking

To commemorate the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, Talitakum Indonesia hosted a joint prayer event featuring various activities, including a Holy Mass and a novena dedicated to St Josephine Bakhita, whose feast day coincided with the celebration on 8 February. The event featured religious leaders representing Catholics, Muslims, Sikhs, Bahais, Protestants, Buddhists, and other faith traditions, each bringing a symbol of the different elements of nature. Our prayer and reflection on each symbol unfolded as follows:

Fire. We express gratitude for the gift of fire, acknowledging its dual nature as a force of destruction and a catalyst for rebirth and renewal. May the good God keep humanity away from the misery of burning wars and conflicts and protect victims from unimaginable horrors and death from deliberate acts of violence.

Soil. The earth gently holds human life and generously nurtures it. We acknowledge its

exploitation as a battleground for human labour and trafficking. May God protect the workers who, because of their poverty, are easily exploited here on earth.

Water. Water is the source of all life and the symbol of baptism. May the power of water to cleanse, heal, and refresh give all the courage to overcome obstacles, and may hope, justice, and compassion flow in the face of challenges.

Air. All creatures breathe air to obtain life. We pray for systemic changes to ensure dignity and health for all living beings. Metal. Technology is progressing rapidly, yet, in many instances, human exploitation is inherent in mining and labour practices. We pray for wisdom, fairness, and compassion in balancing our needs for development with human rights and the care for our common home.

The event concluded with our commitment to combating human trafficking and exploitation and our appeal for stronger laws and policies against slavery in all its forms, entrusting our efforts to God’s presence and guidance


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Posted by SJES ROME - Communications Coordinator in GENERAL CURIA
The Communication Coordinator helps the SJE Secretariat to publish the news and views of the social justice and ecology mission of the Society of Jesus.

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