No basta con estímulos económicos: los pobres y vulnerables en África necesitan ayuda durante la pandemia de COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19, something must be done, else people in Africa will fall back into poverty and many people in Africa will fall into destitution.These are not normal times. What is needed now is not just stimulus for the markets to function as usual. The support that vulnerable Africans and those at the verge of falling into poverty need during the pandemic is to help them get through an inevitable recession and not to avoid one. Therefore, governments need to support people to be able to meet their basic needs while they shelter in place and wait for economy to get back on its feet when this is over. Read more...

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Publicado por SJES ROME - Coordinador de Comunicaciones in SJES-ROME
El SJES es una institución jesuita que ayuda a la Compañía de Jesús a desarrollar la misión apostólica, a través de su dimensión de promoción de la justicia y la reconciliación con la creación.

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